An animated movie that highlights the many flaws of the NBA’s stars will be shown Friday in its entirety at the 2018 Summer Olympics.

“A Basketball Life,” a collaboration between ESPN and Disney, tells the story of NBA stars Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant through their relationship with their younger sister, Ariana.

It will be the first time the two stars have appeared in an animated film.

The documentary, which will be shot in Los Angeles in 2018, will be followed by a feature documentary that chronicles the development of the Shaquilles’ NBA career.

It also includes interviews with Shaq’s former teammate, the now-retired Kobe Bryant, Shaq and Kobe’s longtime agent, Kevin O’Connor.

It is a collaboration that ESPN and Walt Disney are looking to release as soon as possible.

“This is a really special project,” said Michael Jordan, who directed the first “NBA Basketball Life” video for ESPN.

“It’s an emotional journey and a personal journey.

The first time I met Shaq was when I was just a kid watching the ‘Golden State Warriors’ on TNT. “

The idea for this project came from my own personal experiences with Shaquelle and Kobe.

The first time I met Shaq was when I was just a kid watching the ‘Golden State Warriors’ on TNT.

The only thing I remember seeing was Shaq with his father.

That was it.

He was never the same.

So I knew the story had to be shared in a way that was as authentic as possible.”

The story follows Shaquel, who will be playing for the Los Angeles Lakers in 2020, through her relationship with her sister, Shaquilla, who was born in 1977.

The film is set to be shown in theaters on Aug. 3, 2020.

“NBA Basketball Lives” features an impressive cast including NBA legends, stars of the “Shaq Wars” animated series, current and former players, a cast of celebrities, and a new musical guest.

The feature film will include commentary from Jordan, Shaaq and Kobe and will air during the Games.

“NBA basketball lives” was written and directed by David W. Davis, the director of “Shaquille O ‘N’ Kobe,” which was produced by Davis and Michael Hirsch.

The project was created by Davis, Michael Gerson, Brian Fishell, Michael Chiklis, Dan Foy and Ryan Storch.

Disney was the creative partner.