Why I think minimalism is an art form

The latest edition of Cricinfo.com’s popular visual arts section has a new section for those looking to make a change.The main objective is to encourage those interested in minimalist living to get creative with their design and the design itself, with some interesting themes.First off, the theme for this edition is a little quirky.In this […]

How to Use Google’s Weird Google Weather app to Make the World Look More Awesome

title How To Use Google Google Weather App to Make The World Look Less Cool article title Google’s weird weather app turns your smartphone into a Google Glass eye tracker article title Get a Google Pixel 2 with an Android Wear 2.0.0 upgrade article title The most important Android Wear update is here!article title Android […]

Nintendo Switch and PS4 Game Previews: The Switch’s “Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” gameplay video

Polygon’s Polygon team has been teasing the Nintendo Switch version of “Ender’s Game” for weeks now.Now we’ve got some footage of that gameplay, featuring an all-new character named “Eldritch” and the first time we’ve seen him interact with any of the characters in the game.You can watch the gameplay video above.Elder Scroll V: Elder Scrolls […]

How to Get Away with Doing Stupid Things: Why Are You Still a Bad Bunny?

If you were hoping to get away with doing stupid things like eating too many cookies and not paying attention to the time in your life, you’re in luck.Because this is the internet, you can now do it.That is, of course, if you’re the bad bunny.But seriously, the bad rabbit doesn’t do any stupid things.It’s […]