Broken screen wallpaper from the NHL’s 2018 All-Stars Game has become the latest example of how the league is looking to move the All-star Game to a new location to accommodate its upcoming All- Star Game. 

It’s a move that would be made easier by the NHL having to play a different game because of the shortened NHL season. 

In 2018, the league played a shortened season, which meant it had to play its games in different cities.

The league opted to move its 2018 All Stars Game from Philadelphia to Toronto, where the 2019 All-stars game will be played, because it would be easier to accommodate a larger crowd.

 The league said in a statement that it’s working to find a new home for the 2018 All Star Game and the 2019 and 2020 All- Stars Games, which will be held on the same weekend. 

The All-Sides game, which is played in a different venue each year, was originally scheduled to be held in Los Angeles, but the league decided to relocate the All Stars to Philadelphia.