A massive credit bubble has erupted in Australia.

The Australian dollar has tumbled in value.

The Reserve Bank is now cutting interest rates and the government has pledged to provide $300bn of additional funding.

But just as it did in the US and Europe, the boom has now hit a brick wall.

What’s the main risk to Australia’s economy?

Read moreWhat’s happening?

What you need to know about the credit bubbleAustralia has been in a financial tailspin since 2014.

The nation’s credit rating has tailed off to a rating of A1 from AA+ from the ratings agency Standard and Poor’s.

The country’s total public debt has risen from $4.5tn to $6.1tn.

The economy contracted by a third in the three months to October, from the previous quarter, according to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

This means the economy has been losing money.

The economy shrank by more than 2% in the same quarter a year earlier.

Australia’s debt has doubled since 2010.

What’s the key risk to the economy?

The main risk for Australia’s growth is the rise in interest rates, which is expected to keep the Australian dollar down.

The government will cut interest rates from 2.5% to 2.25% and increase the funding available to help banks.

The interest rate rise has the potential to cause the Australian economy to slow, while inflation will rise and prices will rise, which could push up consumer spending.

But the government also has to consider whether the increase in interest rate will have the desired effect of stabilising the economy, or if the government’s cuts will cause inflation to rise.

What do you need help with?

Read moreA credit crunch is expected.

With the cost of borrowing now much higher than it was in 2014, the price of borrowing has increased in recent months, and the number of Australians using credit has also increased.

As a result, interest rates have risen sharply.

With many Australians facing rising debts, a major crash could happen in the next few years.

What is the RBA doing about the crisis?

The RBA has already begun a major reduction in its balance sheet, and will begin reducing its lending rate from 0.25 per cent to 0.15 per cent.

But as the RBS is in the midst of reducing its exposure to the banks, the bank is likely to cut its balance sheets in the near future, which would mean a reduction in the RUB.

The RUB is the world’s largest currency, and is used by governments, companies and banks around the world.

It is used to trade and access foreign currency markets.

The RUB has fallen from $US1.35 to about $US0.60 since the global financial crisis of 2008, but its value has risen.

How will the RBNZ deal with the debt crisis?

With the recent decline in the value of the RMB, the RBC is likely have to buy back some of the bonds that it holds in foreign exchange markets.

Some of the debt that is being sold by banks is worth a lot more than what it cost to buy them back.

A recent report from the Reserve Bank of Australia found that the value held in foreign currency market assets increased by more about $15bn between April and June this year.

In addition, the Bank of England has also reduced its exposure in foreign-currency market assets by about $20bn since last year.

However, it has yet to reduce its exposure on bonds held in Australian Government bonds.

This will have an impact on how the RNZB is able to pay for the repayments of its bonds and how much interest it can pay on those.

This is because the RNB will have to pay a lot of interest on the repayment of the debts it holds.

This has led to the RnzB issuing large amounts of money to its bondholders in the run-up to the global economic crisis.

What happens next?

The government has promised to deliver $300 billion of additional debt funding, but this will be dependent on the recovery of the economy.

The central bank is also looking at other measures, such as easing monetary policy, to support the economy in the coming months.

But these are likely to take a long time.

In the meantime, the biggest risk to our economy is that the banks continue to sell off their assets and the economy continues to slow.

With inflation expected to rise and consumer spending expected to increase, there is no way the government can afford to continue with its current path of cutting spending.

What to do if you need more help?

Read MoreWhat’s causing the credit crunch?

Credit is the most valuable asset in Australia and it’s increasingly being priced out of the country.

The amount of credit that the country is currently holding in the economy is a massive amount of money.

A major credit boom will likely lead to a financial crisis